Imagery in Keats’ “Ode to Autumn”


Explain Imagery in Keats’ Ode to Autumn?


This ode is rich in a variety of literary devices including imagery too, evoking human senses of hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell. For instance, in the first stanza Keats uses visual imagery with words like “thatch-eyed,” “mossed cottage trees,” “the granary floor,” “plump the hazel shells,” and “full-grown lambs,” etc. Then we find olfactory imagery appealing to our sense of smell, including “fume of poppies,” and “sweet kernel.” Tactile imagery in words like “clammy cells,” and “winnowing wind,” aural imagery and onomatopoeic sounds portrayed  as, “bleat,” “wailful choir,” “twitter,” and “treble soft.”