is there a literary device that fits this?


i am writing a rhetorical analysis paper and I’m using this quote that I’m attempting to break down the literary devices used.  I feel that in the way “simple truth” and “plain question” are phrased that their might be some device at play their like the opposite of a supralative, I’ve been looking for about 40 mins now and need to get back to writing so I figured as a last ditch hope I’d post a question in hopes to a answer.


Yes, here we have found out the literary devices:


“This is the penalty of telling the truth, of telling the simple truth, in answer to a series of plain questions.”

The repetition of the vowel sound /i/ in the entire quote lays emphasis on truth.

Internal Rhyme:

“This is the penalty of telling the truth, of telling the simple truth, in answer to a series of plain questions.”

The first two clauses of this quote use internal rhyme, ending in same words.

Assertion: The quote is a strong declaration about truth and expression of truth.