Rhyme Scheme and Metrical Pattern of “I wandered lonely as a Cloud”


What is the rhyme scheme and metrical pattern of Wordsworth’s poem I wandered lonely as a Cloud?


The poem contains four stanzas and there are six lines in each stanza. The rhyme scheme of this poem is very simple, which is: ABABCC. The final two lines of every stanza rhyme, thus each stanza gives self sufficient and independent look. These two rhyming lines are called “rhyming couplet.” Here is the rhyme scheme of first stanza that I have labeled with alphabets:

I wandered lonely as a Cloud (A)
That floats on high o’er vales and Hills, (B)
When all at once I saw a crowd, (A)
A host, of golden Daffodils; (B)
Beside the Lake, beneath the trees, (C)
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (C)

Its meter is iambic tetrameter that each line contains four iambs. Iamb (unstressed/stressed) is an unaccented and short syllable followed by an accented and long syllable.  Look at the example below, I have broken up each iamb and underlined the accented and long syllables.

I wan|-dered lone|-ly as | a cloud
That floats | on high | o’er vales | and hills.