Irony in “The Cask of Amontillado”


can someone give me information about the irony in “The Cask of Amontillado”?


The short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe is full of situational and verbal irony. Situational irony is when an event contradicts the expectations of the characters or the readers. Verbal irony is when a speaker or narrator says one thing but means the opposite. Here are some examples of irony:

1. To begin with, Fortunato’s name is quite ironic. You might assume that this character is fortunate, but the exact opposite is the case. As the story unfolds, the reader learns that Fortunato is not fortunate at all. The reader’s expectations of the character are never proven true.

2. When the reader learns that Montresor told the servants that he would not be home until the morning and that they absolutely should not stir until then, the reader is immediately alerted to something being “off” there. This is an example of situational irony because Montresor used reverse psychology on his servants to be sure that they were NOT home when he brought Fortunato home.

3. At the end of short story, Montresor has chained up his friend and asks him one final time, “Once more let me implore you to return. No?” This is verbal irony because obviously Fortunato can no longer return. He’s chained up!

Hope that helps you!