Sensory Images in “Chimney Sweepers”


Can you identify sensory language and sensory images in Chimney Sweeper?


Yes, but if you analyze the poem closely then can identify. In the very first stanza, we hear sounds of boy when he cries, “Weep!Weep!” Blake emphasizes it by employing visual image of little boy who is sleeping “in soot.” The readers perhaps can feel his sleeping effects. They also hear the whispering sound of narrator to Tom Dacre by uttering, “Hush, Tom!”

The poet further enhances visual images by using sensory language, when he employs metaphor of “coffins of black,” to reveal plight of children. This image is dark and somber. Henceforth, an intensified sight of these boys gives sight image when an angel frees them and they start, “leaping, laughing..and wash in a river…”

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