What type of figurative language is this?


What type of figurative language is this?

-I see the whole world in your eyes, it’s like I’ve known you all my life

-I have a song in my heart

-I pour my heart into your hands, it’s like you really understand

-It feels like I’ve opened my eyes again

English Tutor Answered question March 9, 2019

While the part of the statement “I see the whole world in your eyes” is a Hyperbole, the second part is direct statement. The third statement too has a Hyperbole “I pour my heart into your hands” while “I have a song in my heart” is a Metaphor where the heart is compared to a book or a singer. However, the final statement seems a Simile as there is a like and the situations have been compared using the word “like.”

English Tutor Answered question March 9, 2019