Tag: as you like it

 All the World’s a Stage

 All the World’s a Stage by William Shakespeare All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven…

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind by William Shakespeare Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho!…

All the World’s a Stage

Origin of All the World’s a Stage Like several other phrases, this phrase was coined by William Shakespeare. Jacques has spoken this famous phrase in Act-II, Scene-VII of the play As You Like It. He says, “All the world’s a…