413 search results for "simile"

Wild Bees

…literal meanings. “Preaching the truth of winter” symbolizes the unavoidable death that awaits us. Simile: It is a device used to compare something with something else to make the meanings…


…of crimes, wall, and land to highlight migration and refugees. Simile: The poem shows the use of simple similes such as “These are people just like us.” Analysis of Poetic…

The Mountain Graveyard

…meanings that are different from the literal meanings. Expression like “frozen ground” and “long dreamless rest” symbolizes the death. Simile: The poem shows the use of similes such as “And…

Rite of Passage

…meanings. The poem shows the use of symbols fights such as speaking, jostling, nudging, and pushing. Simile: The poem shows the use of similes, such as Freckles like specks and…

Woman with Kite

…her, takes her red dupatta, mark of marriage.” Simile: It is a device used to compare something with something else to make the meanings clear to the readers. The writer…

A Bird, Came Down the Walk

…uses ‘he’ instead of ‘it’ in the following verses, ‘He bit an Angle Worm in halves’, ‘And he unrolled his feathers’, ‘And rowed him softer Home’. Simile: It is a…

Sunday Morning

…emphasis or rhythmic effect. For example, the repetition of “wide water, without sound” creates rhythm. Simile: It is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using “like” or…

Song of Solomon Chapter 4

…beautiful!” shows the repetition of “how beautiful,” intensifies the speaker’s admiration of the beauty of his beloved. Simile: It is a figure of speech that compares two things using “like”…

The Man with the Saxophone

…of the city as if it has emotions and a mind of its own. Simile: It means a direct comparison of things to show or clarify the thing being compared,…

Fletcher McGee

…metaphors in the poem to show how they make people vulnerable.” Simile: It is a device Used to compare something with something else to make the meanings clear to the…

A Late Walk

…aftermath” used for stubbles. Simile: It is a figure of speech that shows a direct comparison of things to clarify meanings. Frost used similes such as “Smooth-laid like thatch.” Symbolism:…


…of metaphors of arms and lambs as if they are of stone. Simile: It means to use direct comparison to show one thing likening the other to show clarity in…


…wind that whistles, or clouds that seem startled. Simile: It is a direct comparison of things to show their relation or clarify the meanings of the one thing being compared….

Horse Whisperer

…of machines. Simile: It means a direct comparison of things. The poet used similes, such as “I could lead the horses/like helpless children” or “tractor came over the fields/like a…

Live Your Life

…heart after it enters it. It is rather an implicit metaphor for a knife. The poet also used the “great divide” to present death. Simile: It is a direct comparison…


…threads of sorrow. Therefore, the poet personified the voice. Secondly, the poet has also personified kindness by the end of the poem. Simile: It means the direct comparison of things…