Category: Articles

10 Best Poems About Nature

There are various nature poems. It is impossible to mention all of them on the list as there are hundreds of poems on the theme of nature. However, these ten best nature poems have been selected on the criteria of…

10 Best Emily Dickinson Poems

One of the celebrated American poets, Emily Dickinson introduced varied moods, unconventional ideas, spirituality, and realism in most of her poems. The poems given below have been ranked among the best poems of Emily Dickinson based on their thematic strands,…

10 Best Poems About Death

Some conceptual realities have always haunted human minds among which death is significant. It has also inspired writers, poets, and fiction writers to dwell upon this idea with significant thoughts. Some have called it a new country, while others have…

10 Best Edgar Allan Poe Poems

Edgar Allen Poe, a famous mystery and horror story writer, is also known as one of the greatest poets. Interestingly, his poetry also revolves around mysterious figures, esoteric events, and horrible events or terrible situations. Some of his best poems…

10 Amazing Allegory in Films

Though critics rarely agree that allegorical depiction could happen best through movies, some films have also been declared allegorical with ulterior motives of the writers/directors to depict some situations on the cinema screen. It is because they think that the…

Great Allegorical Poem Examples

Poetry in olden times was mostly allegorical due to political suppression and social constraints. This norm of poetic allegories continues despite the intervention of new conditions as themes in modern and postmodern poetry vary due to emerging social conditions. Some…

Famous Songs with Alliteration

Alliteration is one of the important literary devices in which consonant sounds are used in the initials of two or more successive words. Using consonant sounds at the start of the words creates a type of rhythm in the verses.…

10 More Amazing Poems with Alliterations

Alliteration is the usage of consonant sounds at the start of the words, either beside each other or close to each other. Most poets like using literary devices like alliterative sounds to make the poems sound melodic. You can learn…

Great Metaphor Examples for Kids

Metaphor is used by most writers to add colorful meaning and description to the texts, both poems and stories. In simple terms, we use metaphors to compare objects or persons with other objects, animals, or nature. By comparing, it is…

10 Amazing Metaphors in Poems

Metaphor plays a vital role in literature as well as poetry. It is a figure of speech that expresses an action or describes an object by comparing it with other objects, which are generally not related. It is a comparison…

Blood Moon in the Bible

When earth completely blocks sunlight from reaching the moon, in result moon becomes eclipse and reddish in color. This red color is due to the only light reflected from the lunar surface that has been refracted by the earth’s atmosphere.…

Homosexuality in the Bible

According to Christians from every denomination, the Bible is a book written or guided to be written by God. It is widely understood that God has created man to tell the story of His creation and then testify his thoughts…

The Watchers in the Bible

The term watcher is connected with biblical angels. They appear in singular and plural form in the Book of Daniel. “The Watchers” is also the name given to ‘Nephilim’ (many translated as giant) mentioned in four verses in Genesis (6:1-4).…

Angels in The Bible

The word angel derives from the Greek word “angelos” which means ‘messenger’. For century’s artists have portrayed angels as beautiful, spiritual, and shiny figures with wings. Whereas according to the Bible these heavenly beings are bright, shiny, and fiery who…

Adultery in The Bible

Adultery is a sexual relationship in which at least one person is married to someone who is not their spouse. It’s a combination that God advised Himself. The root word of adultery is ‘adulterarte’. Adultery was considered a great social…

Tattoos In The Bible

Tattoos and body piercing are done as an impression and expression of independence, for religious purpose and some cultural reasons. It is accomplished by injecting pigment into the deepest layer of skin. Some say that there is a link between…

Fasting In The Bible  

Fasting is to abstain from food or drink, especially as a religious ritual. It gives us strength and helps us to linger closer to God. It enables one to focus more on the spiritual values when you consciously ignore worldly…

Lilith In The Bible

The name ‘Lilith’ is usually translated as ‘night monster’.The first woman whose story was dropped unrecorded and untold, whose home, hope, and Eden were passed to another woman Eve. She, out of pride, stubbornness, and rebellious nature, abandoned Adam, and…

Divorce in The Bible

Marriage is a life long commitment. Once a person commits, he or she should work to keep the relationship strong. Commitment grows out of the realization that God created marriage and gave it to us as a precious and priceless…

Purgatory in The Bible

Purgatory is a place or a state after physical death for the purification of the soul before going to Heaven. In other words, it is the process, condition, or place for temporary punishment. According to Roman Catholics, the soul of…