Category: Articles

10 Irony Examples in Shakespeare

Irony in Shakespearean literature reveals the unexpected and is highly valued. William Shakespeare masterfully employed three different types of irony: dramatic, verbal, and situational, each lending its own distinctive taste to his literary works. Shakespeare often uses dramatic irony to…

10 Best Poems With Similes

Simile is a literary device where writers compare different elements using ‘as’ or ‘like’. It helps writers forge connections between unrelated concepts and embellish emotions. Similes create a connection between writer and audience. Similes, whether gracefully straightforward or intricately layered,…

Top 12 Examples of Irony in Poetry

Irony is a literary device that surprises readers by sharply deviating from expectation. Irony is a masterful tool used by writers in poetry to shape themes and scenarios. It creates a stark contrast between expectation and reality, consistently surprising the…

Meter in The Poetry

Meter, also known as a foot, is the underlying pattern of beats that form the rhythmic structure of poetry. Each foot contains a specific number of syllables, and when arranged, they create the poetic meter. The combination of stressed and…

Reincarnation In All Religions

Reincarnation is an ancient belief about the cyclical rebirth of the soul. The current understandings have emerged from historical traditions of Hinduism as well as the Greek and Roman empires. Reincarnation can be explored through various lenses, exploring its philosophical…

Themes in The Bible

The themes in the Bible are vast and based on human experiences. These themes offer guidance and insight into the complexities of life. From love and forgiveness to justice and redemption, these themes resonate with people of all backgrounds and…

15 Top Homeric Simile Examples

An epic or Homeric simile is a comparison between two unlike things that develops gradually and reveals their meaning as the lines proceed. This comparison usually expresses itself with words like, that’s how, or as. The word Homeric comes from…

10 Best Personification Examples in Poems

Personification means ascribing human characteristics to any non-human characters or objects, otherwise known as an abstract quality in human disguise. Personification can be expressed as an adjective, a phrase, or a verb. The intention of making things or ideas human…

20 Best Simile Examples from Songs

The simile is one of the unique ways to compare various things or ideas in an imaginative way with the help of the words “as” or “like”.  Similes are usually used with a wide range of adjectives or descriptive words.…

Best Allusions in TV, Movies, and Art

An allusion is an indirect reference to a previous discussion or text.  Allusions are used to hint at familiar ideas, sayings or elements. In media, allusions are used to fabricate the context or build up a perception between the character…

30 Funny Puns to Write on Birthday Cards

A pun is using a trick that plays on words and its effect is hidden in similar meaning as well as sound. Birthdays are important for everyone. The birthday girl or a boy looks forward to this day for presents…

15 Famous Puns from Disney Films

Pun is also known as paronomasia, which is a type of comic wordplay that shows double or multiple meanings. The comedy is hidden behind the confusion of homophones – having different meanings but the same in pronunciation. It can be…

15 Best Biblical Allusions

Allusion is one of the most valuable and functional devices in literature. Allusions are used to develop character and put forth the comparison so that reader can easily understand the depth of the story.  Allusions are the best tool to…

10 Best Examples of Extended Metaphors in Poetry

A metaphor is an imaginative reference that shows a comparison between one thing or an idea to another. In other words, metaphor is a hidden similarity that a writer reveals through descriptive comparison. The extended metaphor is a metaphorical consideration…

Best Examples of Implied Metaphors

Implied Metaphor does not explicitly state the comparison but explains it in a complex way as compared to a direct metaphor. It hints to the reader to allude to the deeper layer of meaning. Some implied metaphors are open, and…

Examples of Adage in Literature

What is an Adage? An adage is derived from ‘adagium’, Latin word, that means ‘I say’ or ’saying’. An adage is a catchy, appealing, and condensed statement or expression that reflects wisdom and general truth. Usually, it’s a type of…

10 Petrarchan Sonnets with Examples

The misconception that Petrarchan sonnets are only those sonnets written by Petrarch does not hold much weight as of now when this poetic structure has global recognition in the poetic world. Also, several English poets copied Petrarch in writing sonnets.…

5 Best Sonnets About Nature

The journey of main idea of the theme in sonnets has traveled a long distance from love to conjugal love, religious love, and then love for nature. However, it has turned out that poetry related to nature or love for…

Four Main Types of Sonnets with Examples

Introduction  A fourteen-lined poem, a sonnet conventionally comprises a total of two parts one of which is an octave and the other is a sestet. Octave, too, has two parts, or two quatrains, each having four lines and a different…