Author: admin

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Definition Self-fulfilling prophecy is defined as any expectation, positive or negative, about a situation or event that affects an individual behavior in such a manner that it causes that expectation to be fulfilled. Let us assume a teacher,…


Bildungsroman Definition Bildungsroman is a special kind of novel that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of its main character, from his or her youth to adulthood. A bildungsroman is a story of the growing up of a sensitive…


Syllogism Definition Syllogism is a rhetorical device that starts an argument with a reference to something general, and from this it draws a conclusion about something more specific. Let us try to understand the concept with the help of an…

Stream of Consciousness

Stream of Consciousness Definition The literary device stream of consciousness is the continuous flow of thoughts of a person and recorded, thereof, in literature as they occur. In other words, it means to capture a continuous stream of thoughts into…

Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice Definition In literature, poetic justice is an ideal form of justice, in which the good characters are rewarded and the bad characters are punished, by an ironic twist of fate. It is a strong literary view that all…

Pathetic Fallacy

What is Pathetic Fallacy? Pathetic Fallacy Definition   Use of Pathetic Fallacy in Literature Pathetic fallacy is a literary device that attributes human qualities and emotions to inanimate objects of nature. The word pathetic in the term is not used…


What is Pastiche? Pastiche Definition A pastiche is a work of literature that imitates or borrows from another literary work, usually one that is more well-known. Unlike parody, pastiche is intended as a celebration and/or homage. Pastiche also describes a…


What is Conceit? Conceit Definition As a literary device, a conceit is a comparison that is convoluted, unconventional, and/or improbable. Conceit is comparable to simile, metaphor, and allegory in that they all make use of comparison or symbolic imagery. However,…


What is Narrative? Narrative Definition Narrative is the basis of storytelling. Narratives are oral or written accounts that connect related events or incidents for the purpose of entertaining, educating, communicating, sharing, and/or creating meaning for readers or listeners. Narratives can…


What is a Cliffhanger? Cliffhanger Definition Cliffhangers are commonly used in plots of stories, movies, television episodes, etc. A cliffhanger is when a narrative, or part of a narrative, ends in an unresolved and often sudden manner. This typically creates…


What is Argument? Argument Definition Though most people think of argument as a disagreement between two parties, its definition as a literary device is a bit different. In academic writing, an argument usually represents the writer’s position on a particular…


What is Aphorism? Aphorism Definition An aphorism is a short saying that observes a general truth. Aphorisms are often concise and mildly humorous statements that are intended to appeal to the masses as a message of wisdom or understanding, such…


What is Ambiguity? Ambiguity Definition Ambiguity is when a word, phrase, statement, or idea has more than one meaning or can be understood in more than one way. Ambiguity typically creates a feeling of vagueness, uncertainty, or even confusion. This…


What is Rhetoric? Rhetoric Definition Rhetoric is used in speech and writing to make a specific impact on the audience/reader. Rhetoric often relies on language and composition techniques to create an effect that is intended to: persuade convince influence entertain…

Red Herring

What is a Red Herring? Red Herring Definition A red herring refers to a misleading or false clue. Red herrings are used to intentionally create a false trail and/or mislead audiences to prevent them from correctly predicting a story’s outcome…


What is Parody? Parody Definition A parody is an imitation of the style of something that is deliberately exaggerated to create a comedic effect. Common parodies include imitations of an artist, musician, or writer’s style, or even a type of…


What is a Comparison? Comparison Definition A comparison is a consideration of the similarities or differences between two things. Comparisons can be made between people, places, ideas, or other entities. Making a comparison can highlight how two things are alike…


What is Onomatopoeia? Onomatopoeia Definition Onomatopoeia indicates a word that sounds like what it refers to or describes. The letter sounds combined in the word mimic the natural sound of the object or action, such as hiccup. A word is…


What is an Epiphany? Epiphany Definition An epiphany is a sudden realization or discovery that illuminates a new perception or awareness. Epiphany is often used to describe a rapid feeling of clarity or insight in terms of finding an essential…


What is a Flashback? Flashback Definition A flashback is a device used in stories, films, television episodes, etc., that interrupts the flow of the plot to “show” readers/viewers an event that happened previously. Most flashbacks are utilized to provide background…