Category: Literary Devices


Definition of Aphorismus Aphorismus is borrowed from a Greek word that means “marking off,” “banishment,” or “rejection.” It is a figure of speech that brings into question the meaning of words, in case the words are used inappropriately. Aphorismus often…


Definition of Archaism Archaism is the derivative of the Greek word archaïkós, which means “beginning,” or “ancient.” It is a figure of speech in which a used phrase or word is considered very old fashioned and outdated. It can be…


Definition of Tragicomedy Tragicomedy is a literary device used in fictional works. It contains both tragedy and comedy. Mostly, the characters in tragicomedy are exaggerated, and sometimes there might be a happy ending after a series of unfortunate events. It…


Definition of Polyptoton Polyptoton is a stylistic device that is a rhetorical repetition of the same root word. However, each time the word is repeated in a different way, such as the words luppiter, lovi, lovis, and lovem are derived…


Definition of Periphrasis Periphrasis originates from the Greek word periphrazein, which means “talking around.” It is a stylistic device that can be defined as the use of excessive and longer words to convey a meaning which could have been conveyed…


Definition of Parataxis Parataxis is derived from a Greek word that means “to place side by side.” It can be defined as a rhetorical term in which phrases and clauses are placed one after another independently, without coordinating or subordinating…


Definition of Epizeuxis Epizeuxis is derived from the Greek word epizeugnumi, which means “fastening together.” It is defined as a rhetorical device in which the words or phrases are repeated in quick succession, one after another, for emphasis. It is…


Definition of Catachresis Catachresis is a figure of speech in which writers use mixed metaphors in an inappropriate way, to create rhetorical effect. Often, it is used intentionally to create a unique expression. Catachresis is also known as an exaggerated…


Definition of Aposiopesis Aposiopesis is derived from a Greek word that means “becoming silent.” It is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a figure of speech in which the speaker or writer breaks off abruptly, and leaves the…


Definition of Truism Truism is a literary device defined as a statement that is based on self-evidence or factual evidence. and is accepted as an obvious truth in a way that further proof is not considered necessary. It is also…


Definition of Superlative Superlative is a literary device that is usually an adjective or adverb used to distinguish an object from three or more others of its type. Superlative is used in both literary as well as scientific writing to…


Definition of Paronomasia Paronomasia is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a phrase intentionally used to exploit the confusion between words having similar sounds but different meanings. It is like a word play, and is also known as…

Line Break

Definition of Line Break A line break is a poetic device that is used at the end of a line, and the beginning of the next line in a poem. It can be employed without traditional punctuation. Also, it can…


Definition of Hyperbaton Hyperbaton has been derived from a Greek word that means “transposition,” and refers to an inversion in the arrangement of common words. It can be defined as a rhetorical device in which the writers play with the…


Definition of Kenning A kenning, which is derived from Norse and Anglo-Saxon poetry, is a stylistic device defined as a two-word phrase that describes an object through metaphors. A Kenning poem is also defined a riddle that consists of a…


Definition of Homograph The word homograph originated from the Greek word “homos,” which means “the same,” and graph, which means “to write,” and it is used extensively in language. It can be defined as words that are used in such…


Definition of Anti-Climax Anti-climax is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a disappointing situation, or a sudden transition in discourse from an important idea to a ludicrous or trivial one. It is when, at a specific point, expectations…


Definition of Accumulation Accumulation is derived from a Latin word which means “pile up.” It is a stylistic device that is defined as a list of words which embody similar abstract or physical qualities or meanings, with the intention to…


Definition of Persona The term persona has been derived from the Latin word persona, which means “the mask of an actor,” and is therefore etymologically linked to the dramatis personae, which refers to the list of characters and cast in…


Definition of Pentameter Pentameter is a literary device that can be defined as a line in verse or poetry that has five strong metrical feet or beats. There are different forms of pentameter: iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic. The most…