Category: Phrase Analysis

Air Kiss

Meaning of “Air Kiss” The phrase “air kiss” is also known as a blown kiss, thrown kiss or flying kiss It means a kiss that is the same as an ordinary act of kissing, but it comprises gestures in the…

A Pig in a Poke

Meaning of “A Pig in a Poke” The phrase ‘a pig in a poke’ is an English proverb. It means to buy something or accept a deal without examining or knowing about it. This expression is used to caution people…

After the Fact

Meaning of “After the Fact” This phrase means the situation after a particular action, affairs, or a crime is committed. In other words, it means something major happens, right after the previous significant event or situation. It is mostly used…

Achilles Heel

Meanings of “Achilles Heel” This phrase ‘Achilles Heel’ means some weak point of a person either physical, emotional, or even ethical beliefs. Such a weak point or weakness of a person often leads to his downfall. This phrase is derived…

Acid Test

Meaning of “Acid Test” An acid test is a complete, thorough, and comprehensive test which gives correct and final results without raising any controversy, dispute, or doubts. It is an unquestionable answer or result of a test taken or given…

Across the Board

Meaning of “Across the Board” The phrase “across the board” means including all the classes or races. It also means affecting or impacting all the people at every level without exception. In some cases, it also means involving all type…

According to Hoyle

Meaning of “According to Hoyle” This phrase means that the rules of the game dictate to follow a specific procedure. It also means if the highest authority has decided to do say or do something, it is done and the…

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here

Meaning of “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” This phrase has been borrowed from Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ written in 1320. It means to abandon all your hope. It is said to have inscribed at the entrance of hell. The…

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

Meaning of “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever” The phrase “a thing of beauty is a joy forever” means a beautiful object, natural or artificial, makes a person happy for a long time even if its beautify fades,…

A Millstone Around One’s Neck

Meaning of “A Millstone Around One’s Neck” This phrase “a millstone around one’s neck” means to put some burden on a person’s life or punishment that makes escape impossible.  It also means to force somebody takes up some responsibility or…

A Miss is as Good as a Mile

Meanings of “A Miss is as Good as a Mile” The phrase means almost winning is still a failure even if you are closer the goal. In other words, it doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad; if you…

A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

Meaning of “A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing” This proverb ‘A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing’ means a person is sharing his views with others and doesn’t have enough knowledge of a particular subject, especially medical, religion, or…

A Different Kettle of Fish

Meanings of “A Different Kettle of Fish” ‘A different kettle of fish’ means saying or describing something or someone in an entirely different sense right after talking about the same subject. It also means you are talking about something which…

A Load of Cobblers

Meaning of “A Load of Cobblers” The phrase “a load of cobblers” means nonsense or rubbish. It is also used for situations that you may consider silly or during pranks. The phrase might have been derived from a tool called…

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Meanings of “A Penny for Your Thoughts” The phrase “a penny for your thoughts” is an English idiom which is used to ask someone about what they are thinking. This idiomatic expression is used to request or encourage someone to…

A Friend in Need

Meanings of “A Friend in Need” This phrase “a friend in need” is part of a proverb “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”  This proverb means that a true friend always shows up when least expected during the…

A Lick and a Promise

Meanings of “A Lick and a Promise” The phrase “a lick and a promise” means a chore done hastily, carelessly without any effort or an incomplete task. It is mostly used in terms of painting, tidying up things or for…

A La Mode

Meanings of “A La Mode” This phrase “a la mode” means “in fashion” or in a fashionable way. The phrase is also used for an entirely different purpose in restaurant jargon. Hence, ‘a la mode’ also means a dessert served…