Green Symbolism

Symbolism of Green in Literature

Green as symbolism in literature carries symbolic significance and represents various themes and emotions. Green is a universal symbol of growth, youth, and vitality, as well as the natural world and its interconnectedness. Green can evoke a sense of renewal, hope, and new beginnings. It may also be associated with jealousy, envy, and deceit. The green color is used in literature and poetry to evoke vivid imagery and sensory experiences. From lush landscapes to vibrant foliage, green imagery is employed to create atmosphere and convey emotions. Throughout history, the symbolic and linguistic power of green has allowed authors and poets to imbue their works with deeper layers of meaning, reflecting the complex and multifaceted nature of this color. The word ‘green’ is borrowed from the Old English word “grene,” which is also rooted in the German word ‘grün’, which means grass and grow.

Nature and Growth

Green is a mixture of the two primary colors, blue and yellow. Natural green environments are given stress relief and improved focus. Green leaves are a symbol of growth, and it is an indication the plant is still growing in nature. In Buddhism, green is associated with the power of nature and growth. Green is also associated with nature, symbolizing growth, renewal, and vitality. It represents the lushness of plants, trees, and foliage and is commonly linked to the spring season.


Olive green is a symbol of elegance, tranquility, and earthiness. In China, green represents independence and hope. In the Western world, green is a symbol of hope and renewal. In the Egyptians, was sacred color green represents hope. According to Brazilians, green is associated with nature and hope. Egyptians consider the color green as a message of hope and fertility.


In Hinduism, the god Vishnu is associated with the color green and is often depicted wearing green clothing to symbolize royalty and wealth. In Islam, green is the color of paradise and wealth. In India, green covers most rural areas or coastal plains, and it is meant to offer purity, love, beauty, wealth, and power. Nature is associated with green color, as nature is wealth, which means a better future.


In the United States and Irish-American culture, paper money is green in color, and it symbolizes good luck. Dark green symbolizes money and luck. Yellowish green is considered a symbol of decay and illness. According to Hindu culture, yogic, Shakta, and Buddhist tantric traditions are used the green color to heart chakra, known as Anahata. It is a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. In Ireland, green is the color of the national flag, and its symbol is good luck. Green is also considered a lucky color in pop culture and it is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and positive outcomes in various aspects of life. As per the Israelites, green is a sign of bad luck.


Green is connected to life and fertility. It can symbolize the cycle of life, birth, and abundance. In many cultures, green is associated with fertility and is believed to bring good fortune in matters of growth and reproduction. Bright green represents spring and rebirth. Ancient Egyptians considered green to be a symbol of spring and rebirth. According to Ancient Rome, the color green was associated with the goddess Venus, the goddess symbol of love, life, and beauty. In Japan, the color green is associated with eternal life.

Peace and Prosperity

Pale green symbolizes peace. Bright green represents prosperity, spring, and rebirth. Starbucks introduced a green palate to represent growth, freshness, uniqueness, and prosperity. According to Christianity, in the Bible, green is considered a symbol of growth, immorality, and prosperity. In Asia, especially, the East Asian countries, the color green is associated with immortality, new beginnings, and prosperity.

National flags

In Brazil, a flag is green in color to symbolize green landscapes and agriculture. Nigeria’s flag with Green color to represents hope and a new beginning. The flag of Algeria, with two equal vertical bands of green and white as well as white, is a symbol of peace, and green is symbolic of Islam. Bangladesh has a total green color flag with a red disk. It symbolizes a country with fertile farmland and tropical forests. India’s Flag includes the color green to represent honor and fertile farmland. The flag of Ireland also has a green band as a symbol of honor and the predominant Catholic faith of the country. Italy’s flag has three colors, and in that one is a green color to represent geography stands for Italy’s landscape, hills, and plains. The flag of Maldives uses a field of green to symbolize wealth and peace. The flags of Libya, Kuwait, Jordan, and Ireland’s green color represent the Islamic civilization.

Examples of Green as Symbolism in Literature

Example #1

Green By D. H. Lawrence

The dawn was apple-green,
The sky was green wine held up in the sun,
The moon was golden petal between.

She opened her eyes, and green
They shone, clear like flowers undone,
For the first time, now for the first time seen.

In this poem, the color green is a symbol of awakening, joy, and beauty.

Example #2

Green Animals By Caroline Knox

Miss Brayton clipped the boxwood
Leaf by leaf herself
although she had
a gardener
for every tree

The boxwood grow
fantastically in the
architected shapes
the gardeners taught them
There every hedge
winds around a green
boxwood animal

According to the above example, green symbolizes growth, patience, and survival.

Example #3

Green Apple: Still Life Iii By Saul Touster

What will come of it
all that light
the light of the lemons
the three pale suns

To reveal a few consistencies
to make known an intention
to find a place

it clears the air
and the settles on the apple’s green skin
the apple’s green and glazed skin

and then the dark resemblances begin.

In this example, green represents peace, beauty, and reflection.

Example #4

Green And White By Richmond Lattimore

From and to Horace
Who sipped your drinks and saw Soracte bald with snow,
knew love sweet still, but knew too well how love’s delight
goes where good Valentino and sweet Marilyn go
out at the cluttered dusty other end of night

But that thick pulse is watering into wit and soul
and reminiscence. Mine own vapors. Take no heed,
you by the hedge, and you who softly stroll and sit
and giggle in the half dark. Seize perfections, know
how the green time is still your own. Make use of it.
We did. I never thought how you could move me so.

In this poem, the color green is a symbol of reflection and peace.

Example #5

Orlando By Virginia Woolf

Green in nature is one thing, green in literature another. Nature and letters seem to have a natural antipathy; bring them together and they tear each other to pieces.

In this example, the green color is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and growth.

Example #6

Quote by Jack Thorne on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two

Green is a soothing color, isn’t it? I mean Gryffindor rooms are all well and good but the trouble with red is — it is said to send you a little mad — not that I’m casting aspersions . . .

Here the color green symbolizes peace and calm.

Example #7

View with a Grain of Sand: Selected Poems By Wisława Szymborska

I don’t reproach the spring
for starting up again.
I can’t blame it
for doing what it must
year after year.
I know that my grief
will not stop the green.

In this quote, the color green is a symbol of happiness, peace, and comfort.

Example #8

Song of a Nature Lover By Michael Bassey Johnson

The green earth is a symbol of hope.
Walk on it like you are going somewhere, even when you are going nowhere.

According to this example, the green color symbolizes survival as well as hope as mentioned in the quote.