Category: Phrase Analysis

Chock A Block

Meanings of “Chock A Block” The informal British phrase “chock a block” means to cram something or people tightly or put block by block in a way that they do not have a space to move. Origin of “Chock A…

Such is Life

Meanings of “Such is Life” The phrase “such is life” means the acceptance of uncertain events. It also refers to an event that happens unexpectedly. It is always better to accept reality or any accidental misfortune as life is always…

Stinking Rich

Meanings of “Stinking rich” The phrase “stinking rich” refers to a person who is extremely rich but this richness and wealth have an offensive quality in it. The phrase is also used for someone who takes advantage of their wealth…

Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones

Meanings of  “Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones” The proverb “sticks and stones may break my bones” means a fact that if you are attacked by someone, you will only go through physical pain. Eventually, you can be healed…

Chip On Your Shoulder

Meanings of “Chip On Your Shoulder” The phrase “chip on your shoulder” means some grievance or some sense of inferiority that makes a person be ashamed of himself among others. It also means that a person is holding a grudge…

Chinese Whispers

Meanings of “Chinese Whispers” The phrase “Chinese whispers” means wrong gossip or a gossip having no link to the original story. It also means different repetitions of the same story but with little resemblance to it. The phrase often starts…

Chip Off The Old Block

Meanings of “Chip Off The Old Block” The phrase “chip off the old block” means to belong to the same parentage or source. This phrase is also equated with “like father, like son” which means that a son is like…

Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard

Meanings of “Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard” The proverb “children should be seen and not heard” has its literal meanings. It means that the children should be present during grown ups talks or interfere in their conversation or…

Chickens Come Home To Roost

Meanings of “Chickens Come Home To Roost” The phrase “chickens come home to roost” means to commit bad deeds with severe, if not the same consequences inflicted on the other person. It also means that as boomerang returns to the…

Chick Flick

Meanings of “Chick Flick” The phrase “chick flick” means the films or movies that seduce women for their storylines or characters and situations. It is a slang term, commonly used as an insult, for the film genre that is more…

Cheek By Jowl

Meanings of “Cheek By Jowl” The phrase “cheek by jowl” means to live together, side by side, or closer to each other. It also means to be in agreement or form a consent with somebody else. It is mostly used…

Cherchez La Femme

Meanings of “Cherchez La Femme”  The phrase “Cherchez la femme” means to seek or find a woman and the literal translation is to look for women. It is mostly used in the context of a mystery, such as finding a…


Meanings of “Cheapskate” The phrase “cheapskate” means a person who is despicable, or mean, or evil in such a way that others hate him. This term is also used for scrooges, pikers, penny-pinchers, or misers. Origin of “Cheapskate” The phrase…

Stick in the Mud

Meanings of “Stick in the Mud” The phrase, “stick in the mud” refers to a person who is unwilling to accept any change. It also refers to a person who is old-fashioned or unprogressive. Origin of “Stick in the Mud”…

Champ At The Bit

Meanings of “Champ At The Bit” The phrase “champ at the bit” means to become restless and impatient when starting something. It also means to become eager for starting something without any delay. It’s often misused as chomping at the…

Chit Chat

Meanings of “Chit Chat” The phrase “chit chat” means small talk or gossip of a group. It also means to have a small or short conversation with a friend. The term is used worldwide, especially among students. The phrase is…

Carte Blanche

Meanings of “Carte Blanche” The phrase “carte blanche” means full freedom or having the freedom to take whatever course of action. In the gothic or romantic genre, the phrase is widely used for the invitation to a woman to be…

Charley Horse

Meanings of “Charley Horse” The phrase “charley horse” or Charlie horse means cramps in the legs or some type of stiffness in the leg. It’s a baseball player’s jargon for various muscle injuries, often caused in the leg. Origin of…

As different as Chalk And Cheese

Meanings of “As different as Chalk and Cheese” The phrase “chalk and cheese” means two things that are entirely different from each other. The phrase is used to talk about contradictory things. Origin of “As different as Chalk and Cheese”…

Charity Begins At Home

Meanings of “Charity Begins At Home” The proverb “charity begins at home” implies taking care of one’s home or family first before tending to others. In other words, a person should not give charity to others when his own family…